
This document outlines the basic procedure to setup and run an experiment with payu.


The general layout of a payu-supported experiment consists of two directories:

  • The laboratory, which contains the executable, input files, actively running experiments, and archived model output, and the

  • The control directory, where the experiment is configured and run.

This separation allows us to run multiple self-resubmitting experiments simultaneously that can share common executables and input data. It also allows the flexibility to have the relatively small control directories in a location that is continuously backed up.

Using a git repository for the experiment

It is recommended to use the git version control system for the payu control directory. This allows the experiment to be easily copied via cloning. There is inbuilt support in payu for an experiment runlog which uses git to track changes to configuration files between experiment runs. There are payu commands for creating and moving between git branches so multiple related experiments can be run from the same control directory.

Setting up the laboratory

Before running an experiment, you must first set up the laboratory for the associated numerical model if it does not already exist.

First, check the list of supported models:

payu list

This shows the keyword for each supported model.

Automatic setup

To initialise the model laboratory, type:

payu init -m model

where model is the model name from payu list. This will create the laboratory directory tree.

Automatic compilation of models is no longer supported.

Manual setup

If the automated approach does not work you will have to set up the laboratory manually.

  1. Create a directory for the laboratory to reside. The default directory path is shown below:

    mkdir -p /scratch/${PROJECT}/${USER}/${MODEL}

    where ${MODEL} is from the list of supported models. For example, if your username is abc123 and your default project is v45, then the default laboratory directory for the MOM ocean model would be /scratch/v45/abc123/mom.

  2. Create subdirectories for the model binaries and input fields:

    cd /scratch/${PROJECT}/${USER}/${MODEL}
    mkdir bin input

Populate laboratory directories

  1. Compile a model and copy its executable into the bin directory in the laboratory:

    cp /path/to/exec bin/exec

    You will want to give the executable a unique name.

  2. Create or gather any input data files into an subdirectory in the input directory in the laboratory:

    mkdir input/my_data
    cp /path/to/data input/my_data/

    You will want a unique name for each input directory.

Clone experiment

Cloning is the best way to copy an experiment as it guarantees that only the required files are copied to a new control directory, and maintains a link to the original experiment through the shared git history. To clone the repository, you can use payu clone. This is a wrapper around git clone which additionally creates or updates the metadata file which gets copied to the experiment archive directory (see Metadata and Related Experiments). For example:

mkdir -p ${HOME}/${MODEL}
cd ${HOME}/${MODEL}
payu clone ${REPOSITORY} my_expt
cd my_expt

Where ${REPOSITORY} is the git URL or path of the repository to clone from, for example,

To clone and checkout an existing git branch, use the --branch flag and specify the branch name:

payu clone --branch ${EXISTING_BRANCH} ${REPOSITORY} my_expt

To create and checkout a new git branch use --new-branch and specify a new branch name:

payu clone –new-branch ${NEW_BRANCH} ${REPOSITORY} my_expt

To see more configuration options for payu clone, run:

payu clone --help

As an alternative to creating and checking out branches with payu clone, payu checkout can be used instead (see Metadata and Related Experiments).

Create experiment

If a suitable experiment does not already exist it will have to be created manually:

  1. Return to the home directory and create a control directory:

    mkdir -p ${HOME}/${MODEL}/my_expt
    cd ${HOME}/${MODEL}/my_expt

    Although the example control directory here is in the user’s home directory, they can be placed anywhere and there is no predefined location.

  2. Populate the control directory.

    Copy any input text files in the control directory:

    cp /path/to/configs ${HOME}/${MODEL}/my_expt

    Configure the experiment in a config.yaml file, such as the one shown below for MOM:

    # Scheduler settings
    queue: normal
    ncpus: 1
    walltime: 10:00
    jobname: bowl1
    # Model settings
    model: mom
    shortpath: /scratch/v45
    exe: fms_MOM_solo.x
    input: bowl1
    # Postprocessing
        walltime: 10:00
        mem: 1GB

    See the Configuring your experiment section for more details.

Running your experiment

Once the laboratory has been created and the experiment has been configured, as an optional step you can check that the paths have been correctly specified by running:

payu  setup

This creates the temporary work directory and is done automatically when the model is run. If there any errors in the configuration, such as incorrect or missing paths, these can be fixed. payu will not run the model if there is an existing work directory, so this must be removed (see Cleaning up).

The setup command will also generate manifest files in the manifest directory. The manifest files track the executable, input and restart files used in each run. When running at NCI the manifest file must be present as it is scanned for storage points in order to correctly specify the argument to the `-l storage=` option when submitting a PBS job.

It is possible to create an experiment configuration such that the input and executable manifests are correct if the experiment is run on the same system. In such a case the manifest options need to be set correctly to always reuse those manifests and it should be possible to run the experiment immediately.

Once you are satisfied the configuration is correct, and there is no existing `work` directory, run the experiment by typing the following:

payu run

This will run the model once and store the output in the `archive` directory.

Optionally if there is an existing work directory the -f/--force flag will automatically sweep any existing work directory:

payu run -f

To continue the simulation from its last point, type payu run again.

In order to schedule N successive runs, use the -n flag:

payu run -n N

If there are no archived runs, then the model will initialise itself. If the model has been run K times, then it will continue from this point and run N more jobs.

If you need to run (or re-run) the Kth job, rather than the most recent run, use the -i flag:

payu run -i K

Note that job numbering is 0-based, so that the first run is 0, the second run is 1, and so on.

Running jobs are stored in laboratory’s work subdirectory, and completed runs are stored in the archive subdirectory.

If you have instructed payu to run for a number of resubmits but for some reason need to stop a run after the current run has completed create a file called stop_run in the control directory.

It is possible to require that a run reproduce an existing run using the -r/--reproduce flag:

payu run -r

When this invoked all the manifests are read in and hashes checked for consistency and only if all executables, inputs and restart files are unchanged will the run proceed. As the restart files are read directly from the manifests which are written before the previous run completed, by definition a restart run will not look for or use any restart files that are more recent.

The reproduce option can be useful to be able to re-run a simulation for the purposes of checking reproducibility when compute infrastructure changes, or when spinning off a perturbation run to ensure consistency with a control run before applying modifications.

To run from an existing model run, also called a warm start, set the restart option to point to the folder containing the restart files from a previous matching experiment.

If restart pruning configuration has changed, there may be warnings if many restarts will be pruned as a result. If this is desired, at the next run use -F/--force-prune-restarts flag:

payu run –force-prune-restarts

Cleaning up

If you experiment crashes or fails for any reason, then payu will usually abort and keep any remaining files in the work and control directories.

To clean up a failed job and prepare it for resubmission, use the sweep command:

payu sweep

This will delete the contents of work and move any model and scheduler logs into a pbs_logs directory. Any model output in archive will not be deleted.

Deleting an experiment archive

If you also want to delete all runs from an experiment in the archive, use the --hard flag:

payu sweep --hard

This will delete your runs and can potentially erase months of work, so use it with caution.

Hard sweeps will only delete the run output for your particular experiment. Other experiment runs will not be harmed by this command.


Model output in parallel jobs is sometimes divided across several files, which can be inconvenient for analysis. Payu offers a collate subcommand to collate these separated files into a single file. This is only necessary, and supported, for some models.

For most jobs, collation is called automatically. But if you need to manually collate output from run K, type the following:

payu collate -i K

This will also collate restart K-1 if restart: true in the collate section of the configuration file.

Alternatively you can directly specify a directory name:

payu collate -d dir_name

This is useful when the data files have been moved out of the payu directory structure, or if you need to collate restart files, which is necessary when changing processor layout.

To manually sync experiment output files to a remote archive, firstly ensure that path in the sync namespace in config.yaml, is correctly configured as it may overwrite any pre-exisiting outputs. Then run:

payu sync

By default payu sync will not sync the latest restarts that may be pruned at a later date. To sync all restarts including the latest restarts, use the --sync-restarts flag:

payu sync  --sync-restarts